Monday, September 30, 2019

Film review

The Hunger Games, it's a harsh and relentless story based upon the first novel out of a trilogy of books by Suzanne Collins. The book is narrated by 16 year old Catkins; a young woman who lives in a post-apocalyptic America divided into 13 districts and ruled by one, the Capitol. In this imaginary future, ruled by the Capitol, an apparatus of their control is the Hunger Games, an event established in the aftermaths of a billion against them, to keep the population in check and remind them whose boss.The story sets place at one of their annual reaping, where all twelve districts are forced to bring forward one boy and one girl to participate in the games. They are branded as tributes. Participants are selected then given physical training and presentation guidance for the games. The games are filmed and televised and it is mandatory for all citizens from every district to watch. Catkins comes from one of the resort areas, District 12.It's a coal mining region, and only two people have ever won from her particular region in the long history of the games. I believe that the people responsible for the Hunger Games tried really hard, not to loiter on the pursuit and the kill but to show the characters using their brains, eluding confrontation as much as possible. The theme of martyr and exploitation is static, and we react to it.They portrayed the setting-up of the game wisely: resembling the kook, the film lets us understand, very hastily, how manipulative the games are. This is something Catkins discovers early on, but she still manages to remain true to herself as much as possible. The film shows us countless ways to be a spectator: the vain Capitol members are the arch-consumers, but as a spectator, we don't associate with them. It's the game, not the Tributes we as viewers are keen to see conquered. May the odds be ever in your favor.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Clinical psychology

Throughout this course I learned about many models and theories related to behavioral therapy. My endeavor during the last five weeks through the world of behavioral theories has Ignited and opened my eyes to a career that I never thought that I was ready for or even in to.In this paper about personal models of helping, the following topics about cognitive behavioral therapy will be explored: How and why my viewpoint was formed from the following personal models, my view of helping, the relationship between the clinician and the participant regarding this model, quenches or approaches to change, and a coherent model that Is consistent to the course material. Additionally, the kinds of problems that can be addressed, the multi cultural issues behind this topic, the limitations and strengths, the population this model can help, and the original thinking behind these models.Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy So, what is Cognitive-behavioral therapy and why is it important? According to The A lbert Ellis Institute â€Å"Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CAB was developed my Dry. Albert Ellis In 1955 and It was developed Individuals manage their emotional, behavioral and cognitive 1) The Cognitive Model as described by The Beck Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is â€Å"how peoples perceptions of, or spontaneous thoughts about, situations influence their emotional, behavioral reactions. (Para. 1). So what does this mean in plainly? It means that every persons emotional reactions are a result of their environment and their environment is the result of their emotional reactions. CAB seeks to take someone distorted or dysfunctional thoughts and behaviors and correct them so that they resemble something closer to a reality. These maladaptive behaviors are unhealthy and unproductive to an individuals life and can create an environment that promotes anxiety, depression, and isolation.Viewpoint Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CAB) is an interesting and exciting model becau se the whole point of this therapy Is not accepting that a behavior is permanent and that anything can be changed with the right finesse and will. The reason I formed this viewpoint Is because of my brother Jason. Jason has always been the type of anything. This is one of the reasons why I have pursued the field of psychology since I started college. As I said earlier, The Cognitive Model Seeks to change behaviors that re unhealthy for a person and the environment around the person.Now I accept the fact that maladaptive behaviors are all decided on the society or environment that a person lives in, and in saying that, this society does not accept this type of behavior, or at least I don't believe it does. For many years, I possessed a certain viewpoint towards my brother that created resentment and hate towards him, because I did not understand the basic principles of a theory like the cognitive model. In the last 2 years I have grown to appreciate my brothers behaviors for what the y are, distorted ND dysfunctional.This has allowed me to take a large amount of bias and negativity towards him and â€Å"squash it†. Now, I am not a therapist, and I do not claim to be. Because of this, there is only so much of this therapy that I have comfortable with trying. When I started trying to help my brother empower himself and helping him feel more confident in his life, I could tell instantly that he thought as if I were Joking with him or making fun of him. He did not trust me. Because of this lack of trust, it made it trickier to help him.This lack of trust came from so many years of not being round him as much as I should have been and because I myself never treated him like an adult. My viewpoint was formed not only because of my brothers behaviors, but also because of me and my other family members that had always granted Jason the position of being the failure in the family since the day he made his first mistake. This has created an enormous sense of respon sibility for me to help others and it gives me the drive and interest in these behavioral models like the cognitive theory of psychopathology, The Cognitive Model.My View of Helping My view of helping is very simple. If I can create a sense of empowerment and responsibility in someone life that make that person feel better about themselves and promotes healthy relationships than I have used my time on earth the right way. My view of helping extends much farther than this still. As I have heard in many of of my classes is that many therapists and counselors use theories of different therapists models to help their clients achieve the results they want to attain. In my career I hope to reach farther and find a theory that is my own.I believe that a theory only makes sense if the person that you are using it with is being helped by it. What I mean by this is that I believe that no one theory is best for each and every person. I know that each individual could benefit from a collection of two theories or possibly a theory that might be tailored specifically for that behavior. Clinician and Participant The relationship of a clinician and a participant regarding behavioral therapy is important to the success of the therapy. Each clinician dealing with a participant that has behaviors that they are looking to change needs that support and guidance of the clinician.During therapy it is necessary to constantly remind each participant hat while they may not be able to control the environment around them, they are capable of controlling and understanding those emotions to better sustain themselves in that environment (Cherry, 2013). Approaches to Change and Problems Addressed Individuals often follow a certain set of beliefs that are reinforced by the beliefs of their family or the people around them. This is where the components of behavioral Emotive Therapy or RET is an approach the aims to assist anyone with problems overcoming or coping with difficulties achieving th eir goals.RET addresses emotions hat are unhealthy such as, anger, anxiety, depression or guilt. After working towards the goal of eliminating certain behaviors that are considered unhealthy, RET, then focuses to introduce new behaviors or beliefs that are healthier and realistic (Ellis Institute, 2014). Course Material During this course, Models of Effective Helping, the main focus of the learning was on behavior and the theory surrounding behavioral therapy. The theories I personally focused on most of the five week course had to do with behavioral changes.My thought on behavioral therapy is that I consider behavioral therapy to be the most effective type of therapy when trying to correct attitudes or habits that are harmful to them or someone around them. I learned about Dry. Albert Ellis and The Cognitive Model, Ivan Pavlov and his work on Classical Conditioning, and Dry. William Glasses with his creation of Reality Therapy, and development of Choice Theory. These individuals ha ve all shaped my view of how I would use these theories or treat a patient. My view point is leading me to the inevitable role of psychotherapist.Because of this course and all of the interesting theories in it, a passion has come sack to me and many theories have been learned that are all vital in the quest of my career as a behavioral therapist. Multicultural Issues Multicultural issues play a dominant role in how a client finds help or even if that same client receives help at all (Good Therapy, 2014). These multicultural issues range from sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity and culture. Additionally a therapy session can depend on what the multicultural issues are with the therapist.Each therapist has a simple set of beliefs that they follow in their daily lives that may also be applied in their therapy practices. Many families in America see mental health conditions as reason for seeing a health professional for help. The difference for someone that has cultural norms may see their family members as someone that talks to god because of their religion, or a certain ethnic traditions accepts this behavior as ritualistic. It is a necessity for each therapist to know a persons conditions as well as their culture considerations so that their therapists will know how to appropriately handle each person differently.Limitations and Strengths The limitations of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CAB) are inevitable to arise with some individuals. When dealing with problems in life, some people will inevitably associate negative feelings with these problems and create a habit of feeling negatively whenever dealing with similar results. The human mind is complex and because of this, there is always going to be a situation that will test someone therapy which can easily back track someone success in therapy.These limitations are present in all models and therapies. Each person is different and because of these differences, and therapy model that may work complet ely for one person may not work entirely for another. The best way to avoid falling back into old habits is to ATA in therapy, keep practicing these good behaviors, and recognize when you are using self-defeating behavior. The strengths with CAB are more beneficial than the limitations and because of this fact, CAB is considered to be one of the most recognizable forms of therapy.These strengths include: Helping mentally ill short term, The way that this therapy is structured creates an type of environment that is conducive in different settings (group settings, one on one, and even self help books) that ultimately allow individuals to find comfort through an environment that allows them feel more comfortable. CAB not only allows for the safe environment that individuals look for, but during this therapy it teaches them to cope with future situations that may have been hard to deal with previously.Population Served CAB is a therapy that can help any population that is having problem s with depression, anxiety, drug abuse, even sleep problems. CAB helps each individuals with these problems become a stronger, more effective individual that can cope easily with hard decisions or situations. A few specific populations that would benefit would be the mentally ill population, The military population and there families, Alice officials, families, and individuals with traumatic pasts. Each of these populations success is dependent on how well each of these groups or individuals follow the therapy and there willingness.This willingness is decided on many factors that are personal to each of these people. Original Thinking The original thinking behind this model was to help individuals change behavior that was dangerous to the person with the habit. Originally Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CAB) was created by Dry. Albert Ellis in 1955 and later developed by many other therapist. The basic and original thought behind CAB was that problems were to caused by situations alon e, but how we, as individuals, interpret these situations, which cause out emotional responses and actions (BBC, 2014).This thinking when it started was considered so different and untrue. The thought in the sass when this theory was created was that each persons emotions came from themselves, not because of the situations in that environment. Personally, was my grandfather was still around, he always told me that no matter how hard something becomes, a persons character defines their emotions, he was a firm believer that a persons behavior was a product of themselves, because this is how god made everyone. This had never made sense to me, and so I shrugged whenever I heard this story.Conclusion Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is a theory that assists individuals in changing maladaptive behaviors that are unhealthy and distorted. We explored the beginning of CAB, my viewpoint of the theory of behavioral therapy, the relationship between the clinician and participants, the approaches to change and problems addressed, my course material for this course, the multicultural issues surrounding this therapy, he limitations and strengths, the populations served and the original thinking behind this therapy model.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Journal learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Journal learning - Essay Example Resistance to change, though expected in management scope, has been the most challenging because of involved moral and legal implications. Some of the people with whom I have been working are older and I often feel a moral obligation to respect their opinions and values. Introducing a change, contrary to practices that the people have been accustomed to have generated conflict, sometimes with strong resistance from old people. Explanations on need for such changes and helping employees to adapt to change have helped in managing resistance, but there have been isolated cases when some employees have accused me of undermining their competence and experience and dictating on them. I conducted literature review with the aim of understanding change management skill and measures for evaluating competence in the skills. Being goal oriented and ability to motivate people towards desired goals are some of the competencies of an effective change manager (Silva 2013, p. 63). Possible short-term benefits are some of the motivational factors and effective change management should incorporate plans for the gains, communicate the plans, and implement the plans. Effective change management, according to Shalini (2009, p. 201, 202, 226- 229), also require communication skills and cultural competence. Ability to learn, to make decisions and solve problems, to manage self, to manage people, and to manage projects are also necessary competencies for effective project management (Pugh 2012, p. 203). Technical skills on the desired change and knowledge of the organization in which change is to be implemented are also necessary for effective change management (Vukotich 2011, p. 36). Self-assessment results identify my competence in setting realistic but challenging goals and my ability to motivate people towards the goals, through empowerment and rewards. My score in verbal communication is commendable but I

Friday, September 27, 2019

Discussion 7 Art Conservation & Restoration and Art Therapy Essay

Discussion 7 Art Conservation & Restoration and Art Therapy - Essay Example These individuals have skilled training in drawing, sculpting, painting, and other visual media in order to apply it as treatment and analysis (What Is Art Therapy, 2011). These skills are applied toward assisting other individuals using artworks as a form of treatment. Basically the therapist art materials to counsel patients during sessions. The practice of art therapy has only been a significant consideration for about forty years. It can naturally be assumed that the growing practice has several issues. To name a few, art therapist suffer encounter issues in cultural boundaries, ethical standards, and limitations in practice. Misunderstanding between cultures is a typical process this day in age. Since art therapy has been growing in the number of practitioners and it is readily available to anybody who wishes to seek its assistance there ethnic boundaries. Individuals who seek help with an art therapist can easily be miss diagnosed if they therapist is not familiar with how their culture relates to their expression. The lack of words in this case could be harmful to the patients well being. In the case of the therapist, it is important to recognize cultural differences in order to be able to understand where the client is coming from. When dealing with professional positions ethical practices are important. Therapist have to be careful how much in-depth information is given to the client. When using art therapy the interpretation of the therapist could easily be transferred to the work of the patient. Avoiding this might be tricky in the field of art therapy, but it is significant because the patients stability could depend on it. There is also a lack of information that can be processed. When art therapist administer to their patients they are expected to treat them while handling art materials. But, there is only so much a person can offer in the form of art. The

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Operations Management of Airbus Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Operations Management of Airbus Company - Essay Example The paper tells that Airbus is considering taking production approach similar to the ones applied by Boeing. For the company to take appropriate measure in this endeavor it need to consider the following factors. Cancellation of orders or running out of business by airline companies is the main causes of production of white tail jets. As an Airbus consultant, the researcher will begin by investigating the causes and nature of cancellation of orders or running out of business by airliners in a long-term perspective. Secondly, the researcher need to investigate market trends by analyzing possible demands in the long-term. Finally, Airbus is facing competition from other competitors such as Boeing and McDonnell Douglas Company. The researcher would therefore investigate the implication of white tailed jet as a long-term competition strategy. These issues will require objectives that can be evaluated in order to determine their suitability of application in Airbus. Firstly, Airbus needs to determine the future demand resulting from the anticipated growth of the airline industry. The company also requires knowing the possibility of acquiring new customers from existing airliners and from possible new entrants. Thirdly, Airbus needs to evaluate possible competitive advantage that may result from the production of white tail jets. Finally, Airbus would require to measure the degree at which market trend is shifting from making of orders to buying of readymade aircrafts. Part 3; Operation management techniques Qualitative and quantitative techniques as applied in operational management will be useful in analyzing the stated important issues. Quantitative techniques are important technique in operation management since they enable operations managers to determine future anticipations in terms of quantity or numbers. This factor makes the technique to have wide application in forecasting of expected operation methods and procedures. The technique relies on data and model s and it would be appropriate for analyzing Airbus case. Unlike quantitative techniques, qualitative techniques are more subjective, this makes the technique fit perfectly in the given scenario. Qualitative techniques forecasts future prospect of a company based on answers to a series of question related to the management of a company (Slack, & Chambers, 2008). Using quantitative techniques it is possible to determine the time duration within which Airbus should continue producing white tailed aircrafts. Firstly, considering the rate at which airliners across the globe are grounding their planes from lack of business, Airbus is likely to have a continued production of white tailed jets. Although the move has some competitive advantage over its rival plane manufacture Boeing, the company needs to consider any long-term threats that may result from the move. Currently Boeing is involved in intensive management program to ensure that any delays and order cancellation do not turn out as a white tailed jet. Airbus need to evaluate possible risks that rival company is avoiding by taking the current moves. Boeing main customer Lufthansa has ground A300-600s and a similar move is likely to apply to A340-300 series. Other companies such as Quanta airlines are considering taking mergers and this will cause a reduction in the number of orders they make. This implies that the company is anticipating a sharp fall in the demand of aircrafts making it to take cautions in its manufacturing plans. Airbus also needs to determine the duration within which it should continue with production of white tail aircrafts considering the anticipated demands due to a shortfall in supply. Although airline companies are currently

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Privacy Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Privacy Policy - Essay Example Facebook collects more information than the other websites since it is an interactive website. Information regarding your friends, family relationship, and views on matters like religion, politics, music and various events also appear on Facebook. However, all the information given on Facebook is voluntary and the user is in control of the amount of information they put on the website. The websites automatically collect information when users interact with the websites’ tools, services, application or advertising. Information on geographical location, device type, IP address, URL referral and page view statistics is automatically sent by the users’ computer or cell phone. The privacy policy outlines the personal information that might be shared and with whom. The three websites indicate that only with users’ consent would they share information with a third party. However, the policy does not apply to law enforcement, authorized third parties and governmental agencies. Subpoenas and court orders from jurisdictions within the United States and outside are adhered to by the websites. Information is also shared with lawyers, companies, and courts in order to protect the website and its users from violators of the websites statement of rights and responsibilities. The websites also share information with companies in order to offer joint services. The websites share information with domain administrators allowing them to conduct maintenance of the users’ accounts. The websites clearly state that privacy policy is subject to change. In the case of Facebook, the changes apply to all the users’ information and account. A fan of the Facebook Site Governance page receives the notice directly while others only find the notice on the site. Google privacy policy does not reduce the users’ rights without explicit consent. Any privacy

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Critique of La Haine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Critique of La Haine - Essay Example The essay "Critique of La Haine" discusses The La Haine which depicts a classical French film. French filmmaker, Mathieu Kassovitz directed the film that manifests alienation racism and violence in French suburbs. The director shows how unemployment and discrimination fuel violent anger among French youths.The film shows that the ugly housing estate in Paris does not affect do not affect the youth. Mathieu Kassovitz shot the film in black and white to profess racial strife and disaffected youth in France. Indeed, the film focuses on the common challenges experienced by mixed-race groups against bad cops and bourgeois community. For example, the film depicts three angry unemployed youths experiencing albeit with anger their friend suffering from police brutality. This is the best film associated with the hip hop generation of the French suburbs. Apparently, French youths use French rap to resist discrimination, alienation, and oppression based on race and class. Although the film pene trated the global audience it also portrayed the adverse effects of adopting the popular American culture in France as seen in the case of police brutality. The film focuses on issues of class and not of the race where it seemingly ignores racism. For example, the film the protagonists argue that the minority and the poor cannot get weapons to protect themselves yet the wealthy and powerful can easily access guns for protection. The La Haine shows the differences between the French hip hop and American hip hop culture.

Monday, September 23, 2019

RayOVac Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

RayOVac - Case Study Example However this ratio declines sharply in the year 2001 and even further to the least recorded debt-to-equity ratio of 2.05 in the year 2002. This is the year where the business has the highest stability of all the five years. The business increases its debt sharply in 2003 recording the highest debt-to-equity ratio of 6.65. This is the year when the business is least stable. Reduced debt-to-equity ratio boosts the business a little in 2004. The gearing ratio starts relatively high at 0.86 in the year 2000. The ratio falls to 0.72 in the year 2001 and even further to 0.67 in 2002, coming out as the least recorded gearing ratio of all the five years. This is the year where the business is most stable. The ratio increases sharply in 2003 to record at 0.87, the highest recorded ratio of all the three years. This is the year when the business is least stable (more vulnerable). The ratio declines a little bit in 2004 to record at 0.81 as the business stabilizes a bit. In the year 2005, Rayovac acquired Tetra Holdings of Germany at a cost of $555 million where $50 million was financed through long term debt. The question we may want to deal with at the moment is whether the debt was justified. Performance-wise Tetra Holdings showed some good results with annual sales of $223 million as of the end of 2004. The annual sales were an improvement from the $179 million sales made in 2001, showing that the company growing and its territories expanding and thus justifying the acquisition by Rayovac. Calculation of the Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) may also be used to justify the acquisition as below. The positive ROCE implies that the company will be able to generate returns from its capital base and hence the acquisition is justifiable. A negative ROCE would raise an alarm as this would be an implication that the company is generating losses from its capital base. Following the multiple acquisitions, the company

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Urban Land Prices in a Market System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Urban Land Prices in a Market System - Essay Example There are many factor demand and supply determinants that are likely to impact the prices of the land. But, for our initial understanding we know that as far as land is concerned its demand may be very large or infinite but the supply of land that is available for any purpose is fixed such that an invariably high price change is also unable to alter the supply in any way. Thus, when we consider land pricing in terms of factors effecting demand and supply then too we know that there are some strange and peculiar behaviors for the price of land which is normally known as rent. Now individually, we will consider the effect of factor demand and supply on the land prices. The factor demand can be price, productivity of the prices of other factors. These affect by causing the shift in the demand curve. According to the common rule of law, an increase in factor price decreases the demand for it and decrease in factor prices increases the demand for it. Firstly, let's consider the factors that are likely to affect the demand of land; speaking in context of urban land markets people generally prefer land for housing located near the city centre, land is valued more where it is in proximity with the local nodes than far from them, and also land is preferred in areas where living conditions are better and the standard of living is relatively high. Thus in these areas or localities land prices are relatively higher compared to areas far from the city centre or where the living conditions are shabby. Another factor affecting the demand is productivity, when we talk about the productivity of land here in the urban sense e refer to the amount of the urban containment that the land can have. This is affected by the conventional planning and also the zoning practices of the area such as housing size requirements etc. Thus, it is noticed that urban containment has grown over the years and hence the prices of the urban areas has also increased. Lastly, another factor that is likely to impact the demand of goods is the change in prices of another goods, substitutes or complements. In areas where there are chances of development, the land is in more demand and hence, the price of land increases more rapidly compared to the areas that are relatively stable and already developed. Now, moving onto the factor supply and its effect on the price and the quantity supplied, some of the determinants include market supply determinants which include the resource prices, technology, other prices, expectations and the number of the sellers; then there are market demand determinants and lastly the mobility of the factors. In considering the supply of land in urban areas then it is driven by topography, physical conditions, patterns of land ownership, availability of infrastructure and also the government regulations. The urban land markets are not monopolistic at all, since the ownership of land is quite diffused and not at all concentrated in a few hands; therefore it becomes difficult to determine the price under one roof. And the value of land in urban areas is largely determined by the few large sellers, when there preferences change in total then they tend to sell the land as earliest as possible. But the utmost characteristics of land supply are that it is limited and no factor can facilitate

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Flexible-fuel vehicle Essay Example for Free

Flexible-fuel vehicle Essay Below you will find a list of 125 of 250 potential informative speech topics. Be sure to analyze your audience and time limit before selecting a topic. These topics can be used as they are, or you might have to make them more precise to suit the situation (available time, class requirements, etc. ). INFORMATIVE SPEECH OUTLINE FORMAT Student’s Name: Lindsay Cook Date: 2/12/2013 Topic: Asbestos Title:Everything you NEVER wanted to know about asbestos General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: After listening to my speech, the audience will know what asbestos is, where is was com Informative Speech Below you will find a list of 125 of 250 potential informative speech topics. Be sure to analyze your audience and time limit before selecting a topic. These topics can be used as they are, or you might have to make them more precise to suit the situation (available time, class requirements, etc. ). Premium656 Words3 Pages Informative Speech Alternative Energy Alternative Energy Informative Speech Attention-Getter: Do you know what this is? This is worsening your asthma at the age of 10 and you developing lung cancer by the age of 30. According to the Centers for Disease Control there are 1 in 11 children with asthma (Centers, 2012a) and approximatel Premium989 Words4 Pages Asbestos Informative Speech INFORMATIVE SPEECH OUTLINE FORMAT Student’s Name: Lindsay Cook Date: 2/12/2013 Topic: Asbestos Title:Everything you NEVER wanted to know about asbestos General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: After listening to my speech, the audience will know what asbestos is, where is was com Premium1256 Words6 Pages Financial Planning Informative Speech. Speech 4 Informative Speech Weve got a gang of clueless bozos steering our ship of state right over a cliff, weve got corporate gangsters stealing us blind, and we cant even clean up after a hurricane much less build a hybrid car. But instead of getting mad, everyone sits around and nods thei Premium878 Words4 Pages Hybrid Cars MKTG 396: Assignment #1: The Prius Leading a Wave of Hybrid Cars Question #1: Company: Within the company there are a few areas to look at regarding Toyotas introduction of the Prius. Areas such as financing, research, development, as well as others. When introducing the Prius, Toyota started Premium1083 Words5 Pages Hybrid Cars BUY A HYBRID, SAVE THE PLANET Topic:Hybrid Cars General Purpose:To orally present information by sharing, defining, or explaining. Specific Purpose:To persuade my audience that hybrid vehicles are an environmentally sensitive and affordable for almost anyone. Central Idea:Hybrid c Premium1500 Words6 Pages Hybrid Informative Speech Assignment: Informative #2 Speech Goal: To inform the audience on hybrid cars. Opening: Hybrid cars are much more environmentally friendly than gas only vehicles. There are several different sorts of transportation that one would have never thought of as being hybrid. There are p Premium356 Words2 Pages Informative Paper Informative Speech Specific Purpose: To inform about the importance of changing the oil in your car on a regular basis. Introduction: I. According to famous author, E. B. White, Everything in life is somewhere else, and you get there in a car (Frank p52). II. Since this has never been tr Premium826 Words4 Pages Complaint Speech. Complaint Speech (pet peeve or everyday nuisances) Time Limit: 2-4 minutes Outline: Standard format as described in lecture and text. Sample outline included below. Why we are doing this: This is a bridge from narrative to informative speaking where we use the entire speech preparation process but Premium1391 Words6 Pages Informative Evaluation Informative Evaluation On July 23, I performed my informative speech on alternative fuel vehicles. I wrote this evaluation based on the videotape of that performance. Before I began, I set up my visual aids and made sure that my note cards were in order. I planted my feet and made eye contact Premium797 Words4 Pages Speech During the past six weeks I have developed a better sense of confidence when it comes to speaking in public. This is something that I have worked on when preparing for different kinds of speeches over the past six weeks. I felt that being afraid of speaking in public was not normal, but many people Premium786 Words4 Pages Comm Speech Informative Speech General Purpose:To Inform Specific Purpose:To inform the audience of the instrument known as tenors and how to properly play them. Central Idea:I believe percussion instruments are not only fun, but are also a challenge to those who decide to play. INTRODUCTION Premium898 Words4 Pages Speech Hillius Ettinoffe Informative Speech Outline 03/29/2011 TITLE: Godzilla in the streets. INTRODUCTION ATTENTION: 3. 8L Twin-Turbo V6. 530bhp. 0-60mph in 2. 9s. 1/4mi in 11. 2s at 122. 7mph. Top speed around 196mph THESIS STATEMENT: If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m going to be tal Premium654 Words3 Pages Informative on Plastoidip. Informative Speech on PlastiDip in the Automotive Industries Alvin Vu February 16, 2013 OCL 151 Topic: Plasti Dip General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about one of the most versatile and affordable alternative to a clear bra, paint, and vinyl wrapping. Premium1087 Words5 Pages Speech McMahon Here are some topics I gleaned from various sources/books/internet cites. It is unlikely that you will be able to persuade an audience to change a value or principle. Consider a topic that involves making an incremental change. Additionally, if an audience already agrees with your speech.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Ensure The Success Of Your Business Commerce Essay

Ensure The Success Of Your Business Commerce Essay In order to remain in business, business owners and organisations need to take proactive steps all the time to ensure that their businesses remain at a competitive edge, hence the need to strategically manage the human resources of the organisation to ensure overall success of the business. Human resource management (HRM) is a strategic, integrated and coherent approach to the employment, development and well-being of the people working in organisations (Armstrong, 2009). However, Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) is a proactive management of the employees of a company or organisation. Strategic human resource management includes typical human resource components such as hiring, discipline, and payroll, and also involves working with employees in a collaborative manner to boost retention, improve the quality of the work experience, and maximize the mutual benefit of employment for both the employee and the employer. ( This article will look at different models of strategic HRM, the importance of strategic HRM, an analysis of an HRM framework, the HRM process and the development of strategies as well as an assessment of the roles in strategic HRM. Models of strategic HRM Although there is some acceptance of the idea that strategic HRM should support the strategic direction of the business, there is no agreement on the best way of doing this. Two normative models epitomise the relationship between labour management and organisational strategy. The first is explored in the best practice or universal school. The second approach, where integration between strategic HRM and organisational strategy is an essential feature, is explored in the contingency and configurational schools (Porter, Bingham and Simmonds 2008). Comparison of Universalistic and Contingency models of HRM Universalistic model Contingency model There is an existence of best human resource management practices and all organisations should adopt these best practices. There are not best practices but for effectiveness, an organisations HR policies must be consistent with other aspects of the organisation. A universal relationship exists between individual best practices and the organisations performance. The main contingency factor is the organisations strategy, or the internal and external environment which is described as vertical fit. One single practice leads to a greater organisational performance. They do not consider either synergetic interdependence relationships or integration mechanisms. Many contingent works focus on a single practice i.e. a single practice is dependable on the other to achieve the goal of the organisation. REASONS FOR THE IMPORTANCE OF HRM IN ORGANISATIONS The human resources remains the most important asset of any organisation and the overall importance of human resource management is to ensure that the organisation is able to achieve success through its entire workforce in order to ensure a successful business. In the area of strategy, the HR department improves the organisations bottom line with its knowledge of how human capital affects the success of the organisational as a whole. Leaders with expertise in HR strategic management participate in corporate decision-making that underlies current staffing assessments and projections for future workforce needs based on business demand. It enables the organisation to strategically deal with HR issues which in-turn enables employees to work effectively in order to achieve the organisations goals and objectives. Human resource managements allow organisations to prioritize their organisational and business strategies hence attracting and retaining and the development of competent employees. Another reason of HRM in organisation also lies in its importance as a Legal requirement. The HR department of organisations ensures compliance with employment laws. They complete paperwork necessary for documenting that employees are eligible to work in the U.K. The employment laws also states that employers have an obligation to provide safe working conditions for their entire workforce. Hence, workplace safety and risk management specialists from the HR area manage compliance with U.K. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 by maintaining accurate work logs and records, and developing programs that reduce the number of workplace injuries and fatalities. Workplace safety specialists also engage employees in promoting awareness and safe handling of dangerous equipment and hazardous chemicals. HRM FRAMEWORK The purpose of the HRM framework is to ensure the adoption and implementation of a fair and transparent process which in-turn will retain the valuable skills and experiences of employees within the organisation. It ensures that effective consultation takes place with employees and their representatives on how these processes will be applied, ensuring effective outcomes for employees, customers and all stakeholders. Harvard framework of HRM Harvard framework is a strategic map to guide all managers in their relations with employees and concentrates on the human or soft aspect of HRM. It was developed by Beer et al in 1984. This framework is based on the belief that the problems of historical personnel management can only be solved when general managers develop a viewpoint of how they wish to see employees involved in and developed by the enterprise, and of what HRM policies and practices may achieve those goals. Without either a central philosophy or a strategic vision which can be provided only by general managers HRM is likely to remain a set of independent activities, each guided by its own practice tradition. (Armstrong, 2009) The Harvard model outlines four HR policy areas as follows: Human resource flows recruitment, selection, placement, promotion, appraisal and assessment, promotion, termination Reward systems pay systems, motivation Employee influence delegated levels of authority, responsibility, power Work systems work design and alignment of people. Which in turn lead to the four Cs or HR policies that have to be achieved: Commitment Congruence Competence Cost effectiveness HRM PROCESS AND STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT HR processes are the basis for the management of customers satisfaction with Human Resources. Customers feel comfortable and their level of satisfaction increases when there is an understanding of the HR processes, how they are connected and how they interact. In order to achieve continuous customer satisfaction these processes needs to be measured and regularly monitored to identify any gaps in the processes and improve on it for the benefit of the all stakeholders. HRM processes The HRM processes consist of the following basic areas: Planning (strategic HR planning, job design) Attracting (recruitment and selection) Attracting applicants from which to begin the selection process. This can either be from internal or external sources. Recruitment is about finding and engaging the people the organisation needs to make up its workforce. Team meetings, notice boards, intranet are methods of sourcing for people internally, and radio/TV adverts, local newspaper adverts, posters, job centre plus recruitment agencies are methods of external recruitment. Selection is assessing the suitability of potential employees and predicting which applicant will be able to carry out a job role successfully. It is characterised by the competence, experience, qualifications, education and training of the applicant. Developing (induction, orientation, training of the work-force, career development, talent management, leadership development, performance appraisal) Training the employee in order to acquire the needed skills for the job. Talent management is the process of identifying, developing, recruiting, retaining and deploying talented people with special gifts, abilities which enable them to perform effectively Retaining (compensation, benefits) HR Controlling HR strategy development HR strategies set out what the organisation intends to do about its human resource management policies and practices and how they should be integrated with the business strategy and each other (Armstrong, 2009). Strategy development is about choosing the most appropriate course of action for the realisation of organisational goals and objectives, in order to achieve the organisational vision. The process of developing HR strategies involves the following steps: Conduct a SWOT analysis of your organization. Determine the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats/risks that affect the business and organization, focusing on the strengths and weaknesses of the workforce. The current skills of the workforce should also be taken into consideration in order to identify where skills and/or education levels may be improved. After the SWOT analysis, take a look at the organisations overall performance against target(s) for the previous year(s) in order to find out what how well the organisation has done or what problems, issues and/or challenges were faced. Afterwards identify factors that could be responsible for any change that has taken place. Set quantitative targets by drawing up SMART objectives for the future. SMART objectives are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Develop an action plan for implementing the HR strategy. Create a timeline for the successful completion of key objectives. As long as the strategy is detailed and also depending on how big the organisation is, options may be made available for heads of departments to choose how best to deal with issues at a departmental level. Introduce and communicate the action plan to your organisation as the overall success of the strategy lies in proper implementation. Organise meetings, discussion and training sessions for senior management to raise awareness and reinforce the importance of their acceptance of the HR strategy plan letting them know how they will benefit from the plan on a personal level. ASSESSMENT OF ROLES IN STRATEGIC HRM The role of human resource managers in strategic HRM is kind of bi-dimensional as they are responsible for the development of strategic solutions that promote departmental and organisational success, and also manage the functional aspects of human resources. Workplace Safety Creating a work environment free from unnecessary hazards is a strategic role of every human resources manager. Strategic development for workplace safety entails risk management and mitigating potential losses from on-the-job injuries and fatalities. Workers compensation insurance is an area in which a strategic plan helps lower company expense for insurance coverage. Reducing accidents through training employees on the proper use of complex machinery and equipment is one of the functional tasks associated with creating a safe work environment. Compensation and Benefits The compensation and benefits structure partly determines the companys business reputation and image. Decisions made by human resources managers pay scales and employee benefits can impact employee satisfaction, as well as the organisations ability to recruit talented workers. Job evaluation, labour market conditions, workforce shortages and budget constraints are factors that HR managers consider in a strategic plan for pay and benefits. Employee Training Human resources managers strategic role with respect to employee training and development prepares the workforce for future positions within the company. Succession planning, promotion-from-within policies and performance evaluation factor into the human resources managers role. Training and development motivate employees, and in some cases, improve employee retention. Recruitment and Selection Employee recruitment and selection is also a part of employee relations though it is a separate discipline itself. Therefore, a human resources managers strategic role is to combine elements of employee relations into the employers recruitment and selection strategy. Employee Relations The sustainance of an employee relations program is an important element of human resource strategy. It includes salaries, benefits, health and safety, training and employee development. The strategic role of a human resources manager in this regard is to determine how to identify and resolve workplace issues that may jeopardize productivity, performance and working relationships. They develop tools such as employee opinion surveys and action plans, monitor compliance with labour and employment laws, address employee concerns, and provide training and guidance to supervisors and managers. In conclusion, the development of effective human resource strategies is vital to the prolonged existence and success of a business. In time past, personnel management was concerned only with the processing of applications, payrolls and staff benefits but human resources strategy today involves executive leadership teams consulting with human resources experts to develop complementary goals for human resources and the overall business.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Philippines And The United States :: essays research papers

The Philippines and The United States The Philippines and the United States are very two populated place but still very different in many ways. The United States has more job opportunities than the Philippines. So, there more successful people in America today. In the Philippines, the percentage of arable land is 34% mean there is plenty of manufactured goods, clothing, and lumber there. The birth rate is 35.9 per 1,000 population per year. The death rate is 7.8 per 1,000 population per year. In the Philippines, most households have maids to do there chores. The house owners work so many hours a day that they need house sitter that will take care of the house and kids. The population in the Philippines is around 59.9 Million which is fairly large for the land capacity of the Philippines . At the Philippines, there are 15 telephones per 1,000 population and 114 televisions per 1,000 population. The Philippines exports manufactured goods, clothing and lumber while they import petroleum products, machinery, and raw materials. Also in the Philippines, there are a lot of young people compared to the United States. 42% of the population is under 15. At the Philippines, females live to an average of 65.5 years old while the men live to an average of 61.8 years old. The United States is a hole different place in many ways. The population of the united states is around 248.7 Million. The United States Exports Machinery, food(Miscellaneous), and Chemicals. And they import Petroleum, petroleum products, and motor vehicles. People in the United states tend to live longer than the people in the Philippines. Females live around to the age of 78.3 while the males live around to the age of 71.4. There are 769 telephones per 1,000 population and 769 televisions per 1,000 population. There is 21% arable land in the United states. Many people have moved to the United States seeking for a better life. At the United states, there are 3,679,192 square

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Religious Beliefs :: Religion History Essays Papers

Religious Beliefs Today's religious beliefs, governmental structures, laws and traditions of social behavior find their roots in the development of three main belief systems - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Although other religious movements have developed throughout the years, these three belief systems have had the most impact on civilizations of the West. To better understand this impact, it is important to trace the development of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and review the relationships between them. While each belief system is unique, there are many similarities due to their common beginnings. The philosophies and traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam most prominently begin with the founder of the Hebrews known as Abraham ca 1800 BCE Historically, these teachings were also subscribed by nomadic tribes, which settled in present day Palestine, near Mt. Sinai. The people of these tribes did not label themselves as Hebrews, and referred to God as the god of Abraham. This came about as God promised Abraham a son, and in the course of the events doubting that is old wife could give him a son, he had Ishmael with his maid, Hagar, and then later God's prophecy would be fulfilled with the birth of Isaac, by his wife Sarha. Due to their belief system, the tribe proliferated the idea that Isaac and his descendants were chosen by God to carry forward Abraham's holy lineage. Isaac was the forefather of what was to become the 12 tribes of Israel, while Ishmael and his descendents were to constitute a different Semitic tribe and follow Arabic traditions. The term Judaism came about after the establishment of the state of Israel when the tribes divided into two, the northern and Judas kingdoms, ca 922-587 BCE The customs and belief systems of these nomadic tribes to be later identified as Arab tribes were very similar to the Hebrews'; however, the Arab tribes developed in some subtle ways. They remained nomadic, whereas the Hebrews tended to follow the teachings of the Holy Scriptures to the achievement of The Promised Land. As for the Arab nomadic tribes because of this development, a centralized governing agent who organized the religion did not develop as it did with the Hebrews. In approximately ca 1290-1250 BCE, Moses further supplemented both traditions with a covenant between God and his believers. Moses married Zipphora, from a different Semitic tribe, (Ishmael descendants?) as they referred to God as the God of Abrahim; this would indicate the strong similarity of beliefs and customs between the Hebrew and Arab tribes at that time.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

United States Men’s National Soccer Team

While rival drug cartels warred in the streets and the country’s murder rate climbed to highest in the world, the Colombian national soccer team set out to blaze a new image for their country. What followed was a mysteriously rapid rise to glory, as the team catapulted out of decades of obscurity to become one of the best teams in the world. Central to this success were two men named Escobar: Andrà ©s, the captain and poster child of the National Team, and Pablo, the infamous drug baron who pioneered the phenomenon known in the underworld as â€Å"Narco-soccer.† But just when Colombia was expected to win the 1994 World Cup and transform its international image, the shocking murder of Andres Escobar dashed the hopes of a nation. Through the glory and the tragedy, The Two Escobars daringly investigates the secret marriage of crime and sport, and uncovers the surprising connections between the murders of Andres and Pablo. Personal Statement Our films tend to focus on disenfranchised communities in the process of rising up and transforming their political and economic circumstances. We choose these stories due to the scale of their historic importance—this is where societies are shaped. By comparison, sports have often felt like mere diversion, games limited to the playing field. At times, we have both drifted from the passion for sports we shared as young athletes and fans, engaging ourselves in other endeavors as seasons of professional competition passed by. Then, invariably, definitive moments in sports history would grab our attention and turn our logic upside down. Like in 1994, when an athlete named Andres Escobar was murdered for accidentally scoring an own goal that cost the Colombian National Team a chance at winning the World Cup and transforming its negative image on the international stage. Here was a country with a national identity so integrally connected to the success of its soccer team that one mistake on a playing field dashed the pride of an entire nation and cost a man his life. Looking into the incident, we learned that the dramatic rise and fall of Colombian soccer was inextricably tied to the rise and fall of Pablo Escobar’s Medellà ­n Drug Cartel, considered by many the ‘ruling party’ of Colombia at the time. Sport in Colombia was not only mirroring the personality and politics of society, but also an inseparable part of that society – the playing field an extension of the streets and offices where influential decisions are made. On our journey through diverse walks of Colombian society during production, it became clear that this was far from a classic â€Å"deal-with-the-devil† narrative. Rather, this was the story of the passions and dreams of a people intrinsically tied to the rise and fall of a team. Stories such as this revive our childhood fascination with sports and confirm the fundamental role they play in shaping our world.

Monday, September 16, 2019

A Clean And Healthy Environment Essay

A clean and healthy environment is part and parcel of the wealth and quality of life that we desire for ourselves now and for our children in the future. People demand that the air they breathe, the water they drink, and the food they eat is free of pollution and contaminants; they want to live undisturbed by noise, and they want to enjoy the beauty of the countryside, unspoiled coastlines and mountain areas. They also want a world that is not threatened by climate change. Healthy and balanced natural systems are essential for supporting life on this planet. Society relies on nature to provide us with the resources for our survival: air, water, food, fibers, medicines, and building materials. Children need to grow up aware of the nature around them. As human beings we have a responsibility to preserve the actual value of nature both for ourselves and for future generations. In recent decades, there has been a growing realization that the quality of our air, water, soil, and food affect the quality of our health and of our lives. This ranges from increased allergies, respiratory disease, and cancers to the disorder of the body’s hormone and fertility systems, and premature death. The causes of our various environment-health problems are numerous and include pollution from transport, agricultural activities, industrial processes, domestic waste matter and waste management. The scientific researches, conducted over centuries, show that the pollution of the atmosphere reached its top. The contaminants in the air have a negative impact on the health of children, as well as adults. Our respiratory organs, our vision, and our hearing are damaged because of the high amounts of contaminants in the air, water, and soil. A substantial number of people have conditions such as asthma, other respiratory problems or difficulties with additional organs of the bo dy.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Classical Style vs. the Renaissance

Classical Style vs.. The Renaissance One of the most influential artistic styles in western culture is the Classical Style. This term describes the art and architecture produced in Ancient Greece between the late sixth and early fourth centuries B. C. E. The harmonious order that governs almost all the aspects of Ancient Greek Civilization, including politics and philosophy, was the basis of this rich artistic period which has always had a strong influence on Western culture. Nevertheless, there have been some periods in history where the Classical influences were more prevalent.This influence could not be more evident than in the Renaissance, which refers to the rebirth of the Classical Style. The Renaissance which spread through Europe started in Italy around 1300 C. E. And lasted though the seventeenth century. In this period, the artisans did not Just copy the Greeks but also revived their principles of harmony, order, proportion, and realism. In this paper, I'm going to exam one sculpture and one building from each of these two periods to identify the similarities and differences between them.Hermes with the young Dionysus by Parallaxes vs.. David by Michelangelo Hermes with the nuns Dionysus was made by Parallaxes around 340 B. C. E. This marble statue represents Hermes, which was the messenger of the Greek Gods, holding the young Dionysus (Cambric). This freestanding Greek statue was made during the Golden Age of the Classical Style, and it features the key characteristics of this period (realism, harmony, and proportion). Hermes appears nude leaning against a tree trunk draped with material which is wrapped around his arm.He is leaning in a relaxed pose with most of his body positioned on the left side of the artwork. Parallaxes balances the overall composition by putting the young Dionysus on Hermes' arm which connects the figure to the supporting tree trunk on the right side. Like other sculptures from this period, Hermes with the young Dionysus is ve ry realistic. According to Gloria Firer, author of the book The Humanistic Tradition â€Å"the male nude of the High Classical Age seems to fulfill Aristotle idea of excellences as the exercise of human will dominated by reason†.Hermes' idealized body is perfectly symmetrical, and it absolutely fits into the Greek canon (set of rules for determining physical proportion). In addition, the almost tactile texture of the smooth marble exposes Hermes' well developed muscles and bones which seem to be alive and moving under his soft smooth skin. His facial features are symmetrical and proportionate, and his expression is relaxed while smiling as he looks upon the baby Dionysus. In this statue, Parallaxes reflects the Greek ideal of beauty.The realism and perfection of the Greek statues of the Classical period were the inspiration for sculpture of the Italian Renaissance. Michelangelo created David between 1501 and 1504. The work is a representation of the young shepherd who slays t he giant Goliath with his meager sling and who eater goes on to become the king of Israel (Firer). Like Hermes with the young Dionysus, David is a freestanding, statue of a nude male, created at the peak of its period, the Renaissance. Michelangelo created this sculpture in the early sixteen century, which is consider the high Renaissance.Similarly to Parallaxes' statue, David is very realistic, and the smooth marble shows the perfectly developed muscular structure beneath the skin. However, unlike Hermes, Davit's posture is not relaxed but rigid with his muscles tense and veins protruding from the surface. He appears leer and focused on his opponent, awaiting some action that is about to happen. In addition, while Hermes' scale and proportion are realistic, Davit's is oversized standing 14 Ft. 5 in. High, and his head hands, and feet are oversized and not proportionate to the rest of his body. Michelangelo deliberately violated classical proportions by making the head and hands of his figure to large for his trunk. The body of the fearless adolescent is tense and brooding, powerful rather than graceful† says Firer. Although both sculptures share common characteristics, David is different room Hermes in that Parallaxes' creation is Just a celebration of beauty and perfection while Michelangelo creates beauty and also enhances human accomplishment. Parthenon vs.. Saint Pewter's Basilica The Parthenon (448-432 B. C. E. ) is a Classical Greek temple that was designed by architects Stations and Calibrates.It is located in Athens, Greece, and it crowns the high plateau called the Acropolis. The temple is dedicated to the city's main Goddesses, Athena, and it is surrounded by other smaller temples (Firer). Like most of the buildings from this period, the architects used the post-and-lintel system, and hey did not use mortar. The Parthenon floor plan is rectangular and very simple. It only has two rooms surrounded by a colonnaded walkway. The order used for the columns is Doric, which has no base, and its capital is a simple cushion.The Greek principles of perfection such as order, harmony, and symmetry govern the whole construction. The ideal and concern with perfection of order and balance caused the architects to use wider columns on the corners of the structure to offset the visual reduction of their size due to the bright light of the sky behind them according to Firer. In addition, the Parathion's pediment was decorated symmetrically and balanced with relief carvings of the Greek Gods featuring the king of the gods, Zeus, directly in the center.Similar to the revival of the classical style in Renaissance sculpture, the principles of the Classical Greek architecture were the inspiration for building during the Renaissance. Saint Pewter's Basilica (1506-1612 C. E. ) is a catholic church constructed during the high Renaissance. Ten architects worked on its construction including Donate Aberrant, who started the project, and Michelangel o, who designed of the dome (The World Book Encyclopedia). Similarly to the Parthenon, it is intended for worshiping and is located in the middle of a religious area, Vatican City.It is dedicated to Saint Peter who is considered the fist pope of the Christian Church and whose remains lay beneath the building. Saint Pewter's Basilica has also some decorative features that resemble the Greek temple. The columns in the fade are inspired by the Classical Style although they are a different order, Corinthian, and above the columns there is a pediment. Crowning the fade are thirteen statues upon the balustrade, which although are not exactly the same, they mimic the ones in the Parthenon.The figure in the center is Jesus, king of heaven, and the rest are Saint John the Baptist and eleven apostles. The major differences between the two temples are the construction methods. Saint Pewter's Basilica uses mortar, and it has stone arches inside supporting the ceiling, which are construction tec hniques developed by the Romans. The floor plan is a Latin cross that is inspired by the medieval cathedrals. In addition, the building is crowned with a huge dome, which is an architectural feature and innovation from the Renaissance.Although the Renaissance architecture is more complex than the Classical, the architects included key classically styled features in their designs and the Classical ideal of proportion and order in their construction. After examining the sculpture and architecture from these two periods, it is clear that they have a direct relationship to each other. The renaissance borrowed the Classical principles of order, harmony, and proportion from the Greeks. This is clear in the comparison of the two statues. In the case of the architecture, the Renaissance took the Classical elements, but they utilized more advanced techniques.Although the Renaissance was a brilliant period in which innovation and creativity was rich, the use of the Classical examples and the honoring of them clearly confirm their timeless and lasting influence. Works Cited Firer, Gloria. The Humanistic Tradition Volume l. 5th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson-Prentice Hall, 2005. Print. Cambric, E. H. The Story of Art. 15th edition. All Saints Street, London: Phaeton Press Limited, 1999. Print The World Book Encyclopedia. Merchandise Mart Plaza, Chicago: Field Enterprises Educational Corporation. 1962. Print.

50 Ways to Combat Climate Change

Climate change is something that has been on the radar of people worldwide since the 1980's, when the hole in the ozone layer of Antarctica was discovered. Are we doing enough to reduce climate change, and reverse the effects of global warming? While it might be nearly impossible to reverse climate change, we can try to slow down the effects of climate change. On this page, you can find earth friendly tips on reducing your carbon footprint, from greening your vacations to recycling, reducing your energy use at home to helping promote sustainable forestry. . Eat less meat, and eat more vegetables. Cattle are one of the largest producers of methane, a gas that helps contribute to global warming. Cut back on the meat, and you'll be contributing to less methane. 2. Use a more energy efficient vehicle to reduce emissions and oil use. The Toyota Prius always tops the list of most efficient cars, but don't forget the Accord, Sanata, and Jetta. 3. Plant a tree on your own, or in Brazil. You can make donations to help plant trees far away, or plant one locally to help produce more oxygen and filter our air. 4.Take public transportation. Even if you only take public transportation once a week or once a month, you're lessening potential emissions that contribute to climate change. 5. Turn the temperature down on your thermostat to save energy. Any energy you save lessens the amount of fossil fuels used at energy plants. 6. In the warmer months, use window and fan ventilation over air conditioning when possible instead of air conditioning (in your car, too). 7. Purchase recycled products, like recycled paper and recycled plastic toys. 8. Reuse things in your life.Even recycling takes some amount of energy to transform a material into something else. By reusing, there's no transformation or emissions involved, just a little brain power. 9. Buy locally, from farmers markets, locally grown shops, and even in the grocery store to lessen transport energy. Aim to buy your produc e where it's grown closest to you (it often tastes much better this way, too). 10. Start an herb garden or veggie garden. Nothing tastes fresher, it will save you money, and you won't have to drive in the car to get your herbs and veggies.Very little energy consumed! 11. Unplug energy suckers when they aren't in use. Your appliances, toasters, computers, televisions and cellphone charges all use energy just by being plugged in. So, save energy by unplugging! 12. Use CFL bulbs to reduce electricty usage. They save you money, save the environment, and even glow brighter. 13. Bring your own reusable bags to reduce climate change. Bring them to the grocery store and anywhere else you go shopping. If you have a single item and don't need a bag, don't take one. 14.Drink tap water over bottled water. Bottled water costs more, takes more energy to create, and to transport. In most circumstances, tap water is cleaner than bottled water. 15. Think about using reusable diapers to prevent diape rs from decomposing in a landfill. Disposable diapers take up approximately 4% of landfill space, and take hundreds of years to decompose. 16. Use a zero voc paint when painting a room in your home. The VOCs found in traditional paints can be hazardous for you and the ozone. 17. Switch to paperless billing.It's a benefit for the companies, but a great benefit for the environment, too. It's also nice to not be inundated with bills in the mail. 18. Bring your own reusable take out container. These small styrofoam containers really add up! 19. Bring your own reusable container and reusable bag for lunch. 20. Use less resources and energy when you travel by having a green vacation. 21. When you buy anything, buy for the long term instead of the short term. Buy a product that is going to last for a long time, instead of buying the disposable or short term version.A good example is clothing. Higher quality brands will last much longer and hold up better, while cheaper brands often only ge t a few short wears. 22. Support clean energy to reduce climate change, as well as other renewable resources like wind energy and geothermal. 23. Get healthier. By eating less food and exercising more, you'll be consuming less packaging, throwing away less, creating less waste, spending less, going to the doctor's less, and living longer. 24. Take a slightly less warm shower. Heating water is one of the most energy consuming parts of our lives.Warm showers feel great, but reducing the amount of time in the shower and the temperature by just a small amount can make a big difference. Taking cooler showers can also give you better skin. 25. Buy products with less packaging. The less packaing, the less you'll throw away into our landfills. 26. Turn off your cellphone and other electronics at night to cut back on electricity. 27. Try a low energy cold water wash, combined with hanging clothes on the clothesline. 28. Use energy efficient washers and dryers. The savings on your utilities l one will be substantial, but the benefit to the earth will be greater. 29. Reduce junk mail that comes to your home by following these simple steps. 30. Reduce the amount of aersols, candles, and perfumes used by switching to natural perfumes and natural room fresheners. 31. Learn how to recycle things in your life. Start with the obvious choices like cans and bottles, then get more serious (curbside pickup makes it very easy). 32. Save gas and money by carpoolling. The savings will add up, you'll have someone to talk to, and you'll be helping the slow down climate change. 3. Consolidate errands and plan your route to save gas. 34. Order online orders in bulk. When things are shipped together, less packaging and energy is used (and it's cheaper, usually). 35. Buy used and buy repurposed. This prevents new products from being made (and fossil fuels from being burned), helping the environment. 36. Use a reusable product to clean your home instead of disposable paper towels, like reusa ble paper towels, sponges and cloths. 37. Sell your stuff on Ebay, try to throw away less. 38. Donate your stuff instead of throwing it away. 39.Compost to reduce climate change by reducing trash in landfill spaces. 40. Camp out on vacation instead of staying in a hotel and enjoy the outdoors (without the TV and A/C). 41. Go digital and online with more things in your life, like photos, using ecards instead of ecards, and ebooks. There's the Kindle for wireless reading, free ecards, and many free photo hosting websites to store your photos online. 42. Schedule online meetings to save on flights and travel expenses, as well as transport energy. 43. Bring your own reusable to-go coffee cup to the cafe instead of taking a disposable one. 4. Help protect our forests so that the forests can help combat climate change. 45. Recycle packaging instead of throwing it away. Donate it to a local UPS store or post it on Craigslist. 46. Encourage and become involved in reforestation to slow clima te change. 47. Buy sustainable wood, repurposed wood, or a used wood product for furniture purchases. 48. Consider Ecycling your computers and electronics instead of throwing them away. 49. Swap clothing, toys and books with neighboring parents and friends instead of buying new ones. 50. Most importantly, educate others about climate change.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Basic Beliefs of Judaism and its Relationship to Christianity Essay

Judaism is one of the oldest religions that still exist up to the present times. It is an establish covenant between the Jews and God. Jews ors followers of Judaism comprised only of 0. 2 percent of the world’s population. However, its influence on the world and society is far beyond the numbers indicated. Judaism and Christianity are two religions with some similar beliefs. First, the main belief of Judaism is that there is only one God who created and rule everything. Judaism is a monotheistic religion following only one Supreme Being (About. com, 2009). Christians also believe on a Supreme Being and Father of all who created and rules the world. Judaism also believes that the people are created in the image of God and all people are created equal (About. com, 2009). God created people with its intellectual ability to comprehend and understand which sets us apart from the animals. Therefore, we have freewill and responsible for our choices and decisions. Judaism is a religion of ethics that strongly adheres to the code of ethics and divine law as a way of life. Christianity also believes that people are created in the image of the Almighty God. Christians also follow the divine laws and make it as their moral standards. The Jews believes on the messiah that will come to bring the world to salvation. The person will come from the family of King David who will lead the world to peace and unity (About. com, 2009). The Christians also believes in the messiah in the persona of Jesus Christ who saves the sins of humanity. The Jews, however, do not believe that Jesus is the messiah. The main holy scripture of the Jews is the Tanakh which is equivalent to the Old Testament of the Holy Bible of Christianity. It is divided into three parts which include Torah, Nevi’im and Ketuvim. Another holy scripture is the Talmud which is composed of stories, laws and medical knowledge. Judaism does not have the version of the New Testament. In both religions, the Bible and the Tanakh serve as the main guidebook to the religious life of a person. In these scriptures are the written moral standards that should be followed to lead a righteous path. Judaism also has the version of the Ten Commandments which is considered as the most important commandments out of the 613 written in the Torah (About. com, 2009). The Ten Commandments are revealed to Moses and the Israelites at Mount Sinai. They strongly believe that God has a plan for human behavior and the Commandments are the ways of how humans should live their lives. Judaism has been a very influential religion in the aspect of culture and traditions. Today, more and more people are identifying themselves as Jewish. However, the contemporary Judaism is a more complex religion that associates both nation and faith. Oftentimes, Judaism follow strict adherence on the ritual laws and a more liberal attitude towards the religion. Judaism has been an influential religion in many nations. Many conflicts and feuds have started because of faith which involves Judaism. One of the famous conflicts is the battle over the land of Israel which is battled over by many religions like Islam and Christianity. The conflict originated during the early years. Judaism has also been influential in changing the lives of many people. Many people significantly altered their lives for the greater good and towards the right path. Reference About. com. (2009). Basic Beliefs of Judaism. Retrieved April 15, 2009, from http://judaism. about. com/od/abcsofjudaism/a/beliefsbasic. htm.

Friday, September 13, 2019

With reference to Bourdieu's theory of distinction and other Essay

With reference to Bourdieu's theory of distinction and other relevant theorists on social class, give a detailed example of how a specific habitus shapes consumer behaviour - Essay Example In this status hierarchy a person develops his/her social class. With reference to 1960s -70s France; Pierre Bourdieu has analysed the society in great detail. He worked on how the knowledge and usage of different cultural relics have shaped over time. In addition to this he also examined how people develop certain taste for food, clothing, music and their overall lifestyle. Bourdieu also studied the uncountable struggles between various classes and the emergence of their fragmentation in today’s capitalist society. He taught people how to alter their perceptions and expectations when they are at a stage of the hierarchy and at the same time he provided options to people to compete for the class position they desire (Bourdieu, 1984). Some of the concepts explained by Bourdieu are clarified in the following section. â€Å"The projection of capital on to a particular axis with an aim to create a constant, linear and homogenous series which helps in identifying the social hierarchy involves a tough operation. In doing this, various types of capital are brought down to one single standard. This theoretical phenomenon has an objective foundation; exchange rates differ according to the power relation amongst the owners of the capital (Giddens, 1994). There is a prerequisite for reducing the spaces between the capital to one dimension, however, if someone willingly converts the capital, the creation of a two-dimensional space clarifies that the importance of exchange rates. Therefore, Bourdieu has extended the phenomenon of capital on the basis of an underlying idea in which capital is converted in normal sense. Although Bourdieu has not explicitly spelled out the foundation of different types of capitals and their conversion rates; they can be deduced by further researches. Capital is capable of bu ilding a relation between two people in a particular social space, but this principle does not necessarily create an absolute order of the society, along

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Importance of Smoke Alarms in Homes Research Paper

Importance of Smoke Alarms in Homes - Research Paper Example This paper will outline the significance of installing smoke alarms in homes as a means to secure them from risks of potential fires. A fire disaster is a dreaded situation, which can result from gas leaks, short-circuits or overheated appliances. Smoke alarms are very helpful in considerably reducing the chances of fire hazards in homes. However, there are many households that have neglected to install smoke alarms, despite their life-saving potential and low cost, or have been careless in maintaining the installed detectors. Like any other battery-operated device, smoke alarms also require regular maintenance to ensure that they are in good operating condition and have sufficient batteries at the time of a hazardous situation (UL 2011). Effective and reliable smoke alarms are easily available at reasonably low prices; whereas more advanced models can be linked to a security system that automatically notifies the fire department. According to a recent study by the US Fire Administra tion (USFA), the number of household fires has increased on a year-on-year basis by almost 2%, resulting in an overall loss of over 2,500 lives and 6.5 trillion dollars (USFA 2011). Another research, carried out by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has estimated that 96% of all households have a smoke alarm present, but only 70% of these are in working condition. However, from the 400,000 household fires that have been approximately reported, 72% of the deaths were caused by either an unmaintained or missing smoke alarm (NFPA 2011). Most of these fires also cause injuries, which may result in disfigurement and other mental effects (Miller et al. 1982). A working smoke alarm  doubles  the chances of survival from a fire (NFPA 2011). The majority of fire hazards take place at night, especially when people are asleep and may not detect the spreading smoke or fire. Smoke alarms keep that risk down by alerting everyone in the household when smoke is detected. It helps t he occupants find a safe passage out of their homes, before they become trapped in the fire. Most of the deaths that take place are usually due to suffocation from smoke or other gaseous substances, which are invisible to the human eye and can spread rapidly around the house. Hence, without smoke alarms, smoke is likely to go unnoticed, especially during the night, posing a great threat to the occupants of the house (DOS 2007). However, with a functioning smoke detector, the residents can easily discover and sense if there is smoke spreading in the house and save themselves and their loved ones from possible dangers. Smoke alarms do not prevent fires, but because they provide warnings of small fires, or smokes, that can be easily extinguished, they reduce the number of fires that become serious enough to cause injuries or burns, leading to fatalities. In a recent tragic incident, a family was using a space heater to heat their house. Their house did not have a smoke alarm installed. Unfortunately, the heater malfunctioned, causing a small local fire, which went unnoticed due to the absence of a smoke alarm. The fire spread rapidly, and in a couple of minutes, the fire had engulfed the house completely, trapping the whole family inside it. Sadly, by the time the fire department arrived at the scene, the family members were critically injured. They were immediately shifted to a hospital, where three children succumbed to their injuries and passed away. The parents are still recovering

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Globalization Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Globalization - Research Paper Example Development of international media such as radios, televisions and the international web are examples of avenues towards interconnections. Economic factors also contribute to international connections through demand and supply forces that move resources from their regions of surplus productions to areas that experience scarcity across regional and international borders. Another concept of globalization is its â€Å"rapid and discontinuous change† with time and across regions as indicated by historical data (Parker, 2005, P. 7). The level of developed interconnections for example grows with identified kinks that relates to major economic changes in regions. Different communication efficiencies across regions also identify variation in the rate of globalization across different areas. This is because initiated factors in a region transfers to other regions at different speeds, based on the achieved regional connections (Parker, 2005). Higher number of different participants in e conomic units also defines globalization. Its concept of interlinked domestic economies and developed international transportation and communication infrastructure for example allows more players, who were previously disadvantaged, to gain access and explore foreign markets. The increased number and types of participants also identifies increased level of complexity in the formed networks, a factor of the interlinked cultures and systems (Parker, 2005). Interdependence is another concept of globalization that has largely manifested across territorial boundaries. Economic interdependence has for example led to specialization among countries and international trade for exchange. Political interdependence is also evidence through developed diplomatic ties among nations. Existence of international organizations with regulatory authority over members also identifies dependence as a concept of globalization (Milardovic, Paukovic and Vidovic, 2008). The following graph shows the non-unifor m trend in GDP and imports, indicators of globalization, for the United States. The forecast shows non-uniform but constantly changing trend in the values or GDP an imports in the future short run, an indication of forecasted kinky impacts of globalization. (WTO, 2012) Differences between an open and a close economy The major difference between open and closed economies is their different exposure to international markets. An open economy lacks barriers to international trade while a close economy has strict limitation to international trade. An open economy is therefore vulnerable to consequences of globalization than a close economy. Restricted international trade also identifies lack of exportation, importation, and transfer of assets into a close economy. The elements are however characteristics of an open economy (Arnold, 2008). Advantages and disadvantages of a country with an open economy A country with an open economy has a number of advantages and disadvantages that are ass ociated with the allowed international trade between the country and foreign markets. The transfer of commodities across the country’s borders for example allows its citizens to access varieties of commodities that are produced in other markets. This improves consumers’ utility levels. Available international market also promotes surplus production for higher income. Further, an open economy has associated increased employment opportunities than if

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Radical Approaches in Journalism Research Paper

Radical Approaches in Journalism - Research Paper Example This paper will cover journalism in the western democracies and how the works of two philosophers have influenced the journalism process in these western parts. The two philosophers to be covered in this case are Slavoj Zizek and Jean Baudrillard. Slavoj Zizek was born in the year 1949 and is known to be a Slovene Philosopher as well as a cultural critic. He writes on a varied range of topics which include: culture studies, psychoanalysis, political theory, theology and film theory. Zizek is an individual who aims at provoking the society to think anew about many issues that happen around. His work in the eyes of many is seen to represent one of the two current notions of a progressive substitute- that of socialism rather than organizational imagination. There are two major themes of evaluation of ideas from Zizek which are lack of firmness in argumentation and failure to point out an effective alternative in his condemnation of current economic, social and political arrangements. Hi s political and philosophical positions have always been known not to be clear because of his lack of proper argumentation. He critiques have also made him known as a failure since he lacks consistency in his work. He has claimed to offer support to the revolutionary project by Marxist but one thing that has made the project unclear is his lack of vision. Zizek’s work is generally known to lack facts of history which makes his work be more provoking rather than infighting.sighting. In this case he is generally known to bring on confusion because he contradicts what is produced by other individuals. Information disseminated to the public through various ways is contradicted by his own findings because he lacks historical facts and has poor argumentation. This gives a clear impression that individuals who go through his findings are usually confused since they do not know whether to believe Zizek or other sources of information. It makes it difficult for people to understand th e happenings around them due to contradiction that occurs between the sources of information. In the western democracies, Zizek has played a role in undermining the importance of journalism because of his undertakings. Journalism is meant to brief people on all that happens so as to keep them posted but is has been difficult for them to understand because of Zizek’

Monday, September 9, 2019

Leveraged Buyouts and Private Equity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Leveraged Buyouts and Private Equity - Essay Example According to the research findings leveraged buyout first came into the picture as an important phenomenon in 1980s. It was predicted that these types of organizations would form the major portion of organization which will eventually become the dominant one. These types of private equity firms involved themselves in various measures like providing incentives based on managerial abilities, and introduced the concept of active governance. They relied upon the possibility of junk bond financing. A few years later the junk bond market crashed resulting in bankruptcy of several leveraged buyouts and the leveraged buyouts of public to private transactions vanished in the starting phases of 1990s. But the market of leveraged buyout was also suffering a gloomy phase as the private equity firms continued their operation by acquiring private companies. The US experienced the boom in market of leveraged buyout in the mid 2000s. The evidences supported by various researches on some selected com panies reveals that private equity investors took the advantages of time factor between the debt and equity markets. The importance of leveraged buyout lies in the usage of financial leverage in order to strengthen the acquisition of the company that has been targeted. The generated cash flow from the bought out business is used to cover he debt incurred in the acquisition. The debt holders are usually expected to earn affixed return while the equity holders seem to grasp all the benefits in a successful buyout. The factors that influence a good leverage buyout includes strong consumer base, small amount of debt on balance sheet, the management team consisting of dependable hands and continuous cash flow (Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth , 2003, p.p. 7-8). Private equity firms Private equity firms are characterized by firms where general partners take the initiative to manage funds while the other partners take the responsibility to provide capital. The limited partners comprise of pension funds, wealthy individuals, and companies operating in the insurance sector. It is important for a partner to contribute to at least 1 percent of the wealth of the firm. The private equity firms has the opportunity to invest the committed capital for at least five years but the period can be extended to ten to thirteen years to return the capital. Again the fund has the life of ten fixed years but can have the extension to thirteen. The limited has little liability in the working of the capital as long as the initial agreements are met. The agreements include restrictions on the amount of capital that can be invested in a company, the particular form of securities in which to invest, and on the level of debt. There are three ways to compensate a general partner. With an annual management fee which is usually a portion of the committed capital and then as a portion of capital employed when the investments are realized. The general partners also earn a share of the profits and they can also charge fees for deal and monitoring to the companies where they put their money in. Portfolio

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Interpersonal communication about When Harry met Sally movie Essay

Interpersonal communication about When Harry met Sally movie - Essay Example One of the producers and writer, Nora Ephron won an Oscar award. The main characters, Harry and Sally whose real names are Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan were also nominated as the best actor and actress. The film received critical reviews, which were positive (Internet Movie Database, 1990). Some of the most credible critics cited that the film had some of the most entertaining scenes and funny. The theory proposes that relational closeness always progresses from a superficial state to one which is intimate (Kanu, 2008). Harry and Sally’s relationship only grew when they were alone after separating from their lovers. For example, Sally had broken up with her fiancà © Joe and had to disclose it to Harry. In another scene, Harry is seen alone (Reiner, 1989). Similar to what the theory proposes, the closeness between two people develops as a result of self-disclosure. The RDT theory posits that relationships between people always reflect the tensions existing when people are communicating which usually arises from conflicts (Kanu, 2008). In addition, the theory proposes that relationships focus on the opposing behavior of people. In the film, it is clear that Harry and Sally began to regret because of spending a night together. The characters depicted a sense of guilt in different scenes (Reiner, 1989). As proposed by the theory, there are opposing tendencies because a relationship cannot exist without parties sacrificing their self-rule. Harry said he felt it was a mistake. While Sally agreed to Harry’s opinions verbally, her non-verbal tone in one of the scenes indicated she did not feel it was a mistake. The film confirms that the concept of just being friends and not lovers is not true. The theory proposes that when there is an interaction between people, the uncertainty between them reduces (Kanu, 2008). The theory presumes that when the relationship is beginning to grow, there are many doubts. Harry and

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Rape of Lucrece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Rape of Lucrece - Essay Example The first stanzas of the poem acknowledge how poetic rhetoric is used in the work to repress praise and violence. Generally the poem highlights the rhetoric behind sexual violence especially in the American culture today which sometimes tends to be hipped with ironical praises. In the rape of Lucrece by Joel Fineman, Lucrece has the confidence to speak after the rape incidence. This incidence limits her ability to celebrate her life sacrifice by acting precisely (Fineman 170). At this juncture, we do not believe the performers. Someone who has been robbed off her innocence will be understood better if she is presented quite, worried and in a state of shock which is contrary to the rape of Lucrece by Joel Fineman. In addition, Lucrece’s suicide is cast as the only way women can intervene politically (Fineman 171). Once someone has committed suicide, she will be gone forever, how can this same person come back to enjoy the political favors sought after. The rape of Lucrece by Joel Fineman’s performance is

Friday, September 6, 2019

Working as a registered nurse Essay Example for Free

Working as a registered nurse Essay I have been working as a registered nurse in Tacoma, WA since 2011 and I have chosen to assess the community health of Pierce County. Tacoma is the county seat of Pierce County and the largest city in the county and third largest city in the state (US Census Bureau, 2014). Pierce County is located south of Seattle and is comprised of 1,679 sq. miles, many of which front the Puget Sound. Northern areas of the county are comprised of islands and peninsulas only accessible by bridges or boats. It also contains one of the nation’s national parks and the state’s tallest peak, Mount Rainier. The Park’s boundaries largely define the eastern border of the County and the White and Nisqually Rivers make up the North and South boundaries respectively. (Snob Hollow Designs, 2014) Population Economic Status Assessment Nearly 820,000 people call Pierce County home. It boasts a high population density with 481 people per sq. mile. Urban areas comprise 93 percent of the county. (City-Data, 2014) The median household income in 2013 was estimated to be close to $60,000 and 12 percent of residents are living below the poverty level. (US Census Bureau, 2014) Blacks and African Americans make up the majority of low-income people despite the fact that they comprise only 7 percent of the County population. The majority of residents (76.5 percent) are white, 10 percent are non-black Hispanics and 6 percent are Asians. The median resident age is 35 years and 12 percent of residents are 65 years or older. (University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, 2014). More than a third of Pierce County children are eligible for free lunch benefits and 8.9 percent of residents are unemployed. As many as 16 percent of residents are uninsured despite a per capita personal health expenditure of $8,160 annually. Ten percent of those uninsured are children. What’s more, close to 6 percent of residents make less that $10,000/year. It’s estimated that 15 percent of residents are not able to see a health care provider when they need to because they can’t afford it. When they can afford to, primary  care providers (PCP) are in short supply and overworked. There are an estimated 1500 patients for every PCP in Pierce County. (University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, 2014)Medicare is the primary payer of health care expenditures for 10 percent of County residents. (City-Data, 2014) Pierce County has some of the highest rates of obesity in the nation with a 31 percent obesity rate. This is despite the fact that nearly 80 percent of residents reported exercising in the previous month. (University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, 2014)The County has numerous parks, hiking trails, walking paths and enjoys a temperate climate with little snow accumulation and mild summer temperatures. Poor nutrition is likely a key contributor with 16 percent of residents classified as food insecure. The County has the lowest access to healthy foods with 8 percent of people living in urban areas where the nearest grocery store is more than a mile from their home. Access to convenience stores is slightly better. (University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, 2014). Neighborhood and Community Safety Any Pierce County resident can testify to smelling the â€Å"Aroma of Tacoma† on a regular basis. At various parts of the day, a pungent smell not unlike that of rotten eggs fills the air. The source of the stench is attributed to industries located at the Port of Tacoma, the forest industry, car exhaust, or the tidal changes on the Puget Sound. The extent of air pollution in the area is large. More than three quarters of county residents drive alone to work every day. Just 3 percent take public transportation. The County ranks 16th in counties reporting high carbon monoxide one hour concentration. It is among the dirtiest 10 percent of US counties for its release of water and carcinogens. Chief among these deadly chemicals is methanol and hydrochloric acid. (City-Data, 2014) (Good Guide, 2011) There are four Superfund Sites in the County that continue to cause contamination of drinking water. One of these sites is Commencement Bay, the hub of the Port of Tacoma, one of the world’s busiest ports. The biggest polluter in the area is the Simpson Tacoma Kraft Company, a forest product  company that prides itself on using â€Å"every part of the tree except its shadow.† (Simpson, 2014) Another well-known polluter and also a major area employer is the US Military. Superfund Sites exist at both McChord AFB and the US Army Fort Lewis Range. (Good Guide, 2011) Cultural Assessment For a personal perspective of life inside Pierce County I consulted with a colleague who works as a lactation consultant. She is a 50-year-old college-educated white female who also works as an instructor in a local vocational college. She reports that her cohort’s attitude toward aging is not altogether positive. She is beginning to feel the gradual decline in her body functions and says that she and others like her find it frustrating that their bodies don’t work as well as they did in their youth. That attitude of reluctance tends to affect how readily her peers seek assistance, especially if it means accepting the realities of aging. Some of the physical health problems common in her cohort involve vision, sleep apnea, joint pain, and decreased stamina. She states that individuals in her cohort tend to be individualistic and prefer their yards, both physically and metaphorically, to be fenced. This perspective crosses over to how children are parented with a high value placed on raising adults that are independent and self-sufficient. Her children have either graduated from college or are currently attending university. She considers financial independence a mark of adulthood. A ritual associated with adulthood is moving out of the family home and their own. One of the challenges she sees in her cohort is that of obtaining access to mental health care. A colleague recently lost her son to suicide after numerous attempts to help him gain access to care failed and he committed suicide. She feels that only those who are going to hurt others or hurt themselves are recipients of care in a broken system. Because so many are aching for help in the community and a greater awareness of the need, the result has been a reduced stigma associated with mental illness. Acknowledging that mental illness is far from being treated on plane with biological illness, she reports that the awareness of an individual’s lack  of control over what is a real disease is growing. Disaster Assessment and Planning The incredible amount of physical beauty present in Pierce County is also a source of danger to its residents. The area has been declared as a disaster area 19 times in recorded history. Most of these events were the result of severe storms that caused flooding, landslides, and mudslides. The area is situated on or near several tectonic plates giving it an earthquake risk that is 355 percent greater than the national average. In 2001, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake was centered just 10.8 miles from the city center and caused tens of thousands in damage. An earthquake centered even farther away could affect the county via a subsequent Tsunami. Coastline areas comprise many of the County’s industries, parks, and homes and could be destroyed by a tsunami’s tidal surge. Mt. Rainier frames many of Tacoma’s picturesque views but it is a volcano that could come back to life at any moment. Its last eruption is estimated to have occurred more than 150 years ago but a recent e ruption could cause massive downstream flooding in nearly the entire County. (City-Data, 2014) Disasters caused by flooding precipitated by a tsunami, volcanic eruption, or one of the areas many rainstorms could displace many residents from their homes and block access to urgent and chronic healthcare services. Sewage systems could be affected by the flooding as well as decrease access to clean water. A massive earthquake could destroy many of Tacoma’s older buildings, many of which were built in the early 1900s and well before any seismic construction rules went into effect. Falling objects from an earthquake and resulting fires could result in massive injuries in the short-term and damage to public infrastructure in the long-term. (Pierce County Department of Emergency Management, 2010) Many of the possible disasters that could strike the area do not have the luxury of advance warning. Severe storms may give as little as a day or two notice, tsunamis and flooding just a few hours. Many residents are unlikely to understand the severity of a disaster until they are in i ts midst. Because the residents lack the ability to prepare, The Pierce County Department of Emergency Management has five departments to deal with every day emergencies and  large-scale disasters. The services include emergency management, enhanced 9-1-1 services, fire prevention, radio communications and an urban search and rescue task force. The Department is working to enroll all residents in an emergency alert system via text. Area hospital employees also have an alert system that sends a text message to employees to report to duty in the event of an emergency. The enhanced 9-1-1 system automatically finds the street address for landline calls. The radio communications team works to ensure that radio remains active in the event cell towers fall during an earthquake or are damaged during severe flooding. Urban Search and Rescue can provide vital services in the event of an earthquake, mudslide, avalanche or abandoned mine collapse. (Pierce County Department of Emergency Management, 2010) Windshield Survey Housing The majority of housing options available in Tacoma are single-family detached homes. A housing boom in the 1990s resulted in many newer homes and apartment buildings in both high and poor-income areas. Housing density appears to be highest in high-income neighborhoods. Many homes in both areas have grassed front and back yards. Although the area was heavily wooded when settled in the 1890s, much of the native evergreen trees are gone. Tree replacement appears limited to higher-income areas and is limited to non-native deciduous trees. Housing in lower-income neighborhoods appears to be in fair to moderate repair. Very few homes in these areas have bars over windows or doors. (Patamia, 2015) Open Space In Tacoma, there appears to be a moderate amount of open space, especially considering it is an urban area. I saw a large strip of valuable waterfront in the Ruston area dedicated to a walking path and docks used for office space and dining. The jewel in the crown of the Tacoma Metropolitan Park System is Wright Park, a 27-acre parcel spanning more than 10 city blocks in the heart of the city that features an arboretum, lawn bowling, playgrounds, and a pond. In addition, Mt Rainier National Park has more than 235,000 acres of protected forestland and numerous State parks dot the County. All of these spaces are open for public use and park passes are enveloped as part of the residents’ vehicle tax. Boundaries The boundaries of the area are largely natural features like rivers and mountains. Neighborhoods begin and end without notification but poorer areas tend to have more chain link fences, fewer shopping areas, and homes that lack fresh paint and ornamental landscaping. Ironically, the most expensive homes in the county have roads that are either gravel or so unkempt that potholes dominate. Commons People in the county tended to congregate around grocery stores and the strip malls that surround them. I visited an upscale grocery store in the middle of the day and found parking difficult despite an ample lot. Areas surrounding the Port of Tacoma business district tend to always have a large amount of traffic, especially large trucks carrying containers to and from the ships docked in Commencement Bay. Transportation Pierce County, despite the low numbers of residents who use public transportation has numerous options for getting out of your car. Buses travel to every part of the county, even across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge to the Olympic Peninsula town of Gig Harbor. Residents can travel to Seattle using rail or bus. Residents enjoy the capability of attaching their bikes to city buses but since the area is very hilly and frequently rainy, few take advantage of the service. For all of its access capabilities in Tacoma, getting around in surrounding communities is difficult. Interstate 5 intersects the county, enabling easy access for Port of Tacoma traffic to Canada and the western states. Several state highways run through the community and many are currently undergoing expansive improvement projects. Long-term plans include expanding Seattle’s light rail into Tacoma but recent initiatives to expand inter-county bus services was voted down by residents. Service Centers One of the most impressive things about Pierce County is how new and beautiful its schools are. Around these areas, it’s easy to spot social service centers such as YMCAs or Community Healthcare Clinics. Even in the poorest areas of the County, I saw many dentist offices, parks with  playground facilities, and sidewalks. I drove by a newer looking middle school several times during my survey and always saw it occupied by students despite heavy rain. Stores Commercial areas in the county appear to be centered on large chain grocery stores. There are few non-chain, independent dining options and those that are tend to offer high-calorie, high-fat options like hamburgers and milkshakes. I did not see any signs advertising farmers markets but there were more than a few community gardens where residents could grow their own fruits and vegetables. I was also impressed by how few grocery stores there were outside of major shopping areas and how far even the wealthiest had to travel to buy food. In more than one area, there were several grocery stores in close proximity to each other. People Out and About I saw several people walking around the County during my survey but all of them appeared to be walking for exercise and leisure, not for transportation. Almost all of these walkers were white and non-obese. A majority of those I saw were wearing Seahawk jerseys and/or colors. It was so persuasive that I felt out of place with an orange sweatshirt. Dogs accompanied many of the walkers and every dog was leashed. Signs of Community Vibrancy The Pierce County Community is very diverse but in nearly every area I traveled, I saw signs of vibrancy evidenced by hanging flower baskets, children playing outside, areas of preserved natural beauty, easy access to healthcare, and a lack of abandoned homes, stray animals, or countless homeless people. Race/Ethnicity Given that nearly three-quarters of Pierce County residents are white, its not surprising to see mostly white people in the County. Surprisingly, there are two major Indian Reservations, the Nisqually and Puyallup, inside Pierce County yet less than 2 percent of residents are Native American. Most of the County looks and feels American with few ethnic grocery stores or signs in a language other than English. Areas where whites live tend to be predominantly white but areas with larger populations of Blacks, Asians, and  Hispanics are well integrated. In one strip mall, there was a Mexican taqueria next door to an Asian grocery store. Religion While only 30 percent of Pierce County residents report being affiliated with a religious congregation, nearly half of them are non-denominational Christian churches. A third of residents report an affiliation with a Roman Catholic Church. I saw many more churches in the less affluent areas of the County than I did in wealthy ones. I also saw one Buddhist temple and Muslim Mosque. Health There are 10 hospitals serving Pierce County the largest of which is Tacoma General Hospital that has more than 400 beds and a level II trauma center. A few blocks away with the area’s second level II trauma center and a level III NICU is St Joseph Medical Center with 367 beds. Signs of homelessness are slightly invisible in Pierce County and tend to be clustered around area shelters or service providers such as the Union Gospel Mission and the YWCA. It’s estimated that 2,000 people including children are homeless on any given night in Tacoma. One of the area hospitals, Western State Hospital, provides services exclusively to the mentally ill but the lack of services to the homeless and mentally ill is striking. There are an estimated 368 mentally ill people for every mental health provider in Pierce County. Top performing counties have 521 providers per patient. The State ranks 49th in number of available psychiatric beds and several agencies have recently closed their doors or decreased services due to the economic turn down. (League of Women Voters Pierce County, 2013) (Good Guide, 2011) Forty percent of female tenth-grade children are classified as depressed. The Tacoma Pierce County Health Department lists mental health as its #1 priority in the coming years. Politics I toured the area in January when the nearest election was months or years away. Cars I viewed had a mix of bumper stickers that indicated the metropolitan area voted for Obama in the previous presidential election, supports the legalization of marijuana, and is a fan of the Seattle Seahawks. Media No matter the area, evidence of satellite dishes was seen on nearly every home. I did not see any newspaper boxes around area stores. It seems that the primary form of communication medium is through television and the Internet. Television stations accessed by residents are primarily in English but there are two stations that are exclusively in Spanish. Physical Environment As mentioned previously, Pierce County is a very beautiful place with views of mountains, water, dense forest, and even a volcano visible from nearly every corner of the County. During my survey, I even viewed a pair of bald eagles playing over the Puget Sound. The areas around the Port of Tacoma and the two Indian reservations tend to be the least attractive areas of the city where billboards for nearby tribal-run casinos predominate the landscape. Scavenger Hunt Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) WIC is a nutrition program that helps ensure that pregnant women, nursing moms and children under five have access to healthy foods. They also provide health education and breastfeeding support including peer counselors. Women who use WIC get money to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables, milk, cheese, whole grain breads and tortillas. They also ensure that children are vaccinated and stay on recommended growth curves. A family of four is eligible for WIC benefits if they have an annual income equal or less than $43,000. Accessing the services requires visiting a WIC location, which are located on major bus routes near hospitals, health clinics, or in tribal offices. There are more than 15 WIC locations in the county and offer services in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, Russian, Tagalog, and Cambodian. (Tacoma Pierce County Health Department, 2015) YMCA The YMCA of Pierce and Kitsap Counties offer a variety of services including seven healthy living centers, a summer camp and more than 70 child care sites. Their mission is to offer programs that â€Å"build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all.† (YMCA of Pierce and Kitsap Counties, 2014) Monthly fees that are based on household income support membership and financial aid is  available. There are steep discounts for members of the military and their families. The variety of services available at the healthy living center is broad. Members of the Tacoma facility take piano lessons, learn how to box, and enjoy an indoor pool. Family Renewal Shelter There are 16 different resources for those dealing with domestic violence in Pierce County. Among them is the Family Renewal Shelter. They provide emergency services by way of confidential shelters, self-defense classes, spiritual support, and pet therapy. They also offer help with access to vehicles, educational scholarships, and relocation. Support for the organization comes from private donations from individuals, foundations, businesses, and churches. Access to services is via the organization’s 24-hour crisis line. Information about domestic violence is available on the organization’s website including a button that allows a user to leave the site quickly and eliminate a computer trail. (Family Renewal Shelter, 2014) National Alliance on Mental Illness – Pierce County The purpose of NAMI is to support people and those who love them with the challenges of mental illness. Members are people whose lives have been touched by mental illness and can share resources, lessons learned, and empathy with one another. They also advocate for change on local and legislative issues. Support group meeting occur three times a week and are located in a local Episcopal Church. They are free to attend. NAMI Walks occur several times a year and help to reduce the stigma of mental health and expand services, especially in education of mental health issues with police, fire and other first responders. (NAMI Pierce County, 2015) Planned Parenthood A group of community volunteers opened the first Planned Parenthood clinic in Tacoma in 1972 to address concerns about high rates of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. The organization believes that everyone has the right to choose whether and when to get pregnant and works to prevent unwanted pregnancies. They rely heavily of individual donor support to provide basic low-cost health care, adoption planning, vasectomy services, and fitting for menstrual cups. They also provide abortion services and are  frequented by protestors. (PPGNW, 2015) Tacoma Rescue Mission There are more than 36 homeless shelters in Tacoma offering everything from emergency shelter, transitional housing, and assisted housing for people dealing with domestic violence, drug addiction, and sexual trafficking. They are a Christian organization funded by the United Way of Pierce County and the cities of Lakewood and Tacoma in addition to funding from Pierce County itself. They report that they provide shelter to more than 400 people nightly and provide food for 26,000 people who have no other access to food. They work to help people overcome drug and alcohol addiction with rehabilitation serves, educational assistance and case management. (Tacoma Rescue Mission, 2015) Interpretation of Collected Data Epidemiology examines how health status or health events are distributed across a community and what determines it. The preceding examples give a broad stroke painting of health in Pierce County. Overall, the birth rate (15 per 1000) exceeds the death rate (7.3 per 1000) in Pierce County and the infant mortality rate (6.5 per 100,000) is in line with the national average (6.15 per 1000). (City-Data, 2014) Pierce County offers many assets that empower the health of its residents. Among these are a large population of college-educated people with 90 percent of adults 25 years and older completing at least high school or obtaining a GED. Although 8 percent of residents are foreign born, more than 80 percent of these report speaking English fluently. The people of Pierce County have access to nature and local foods, including the nation’s largest crop of rhubarb. Strong faith communities with social outreach programs help neighbors in need. The community brims with people who are largely open-minded and access complementary care such as massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic adjustments is common. (Tacoma Pierce County Health Department, 2014) Community Diagnosis In my analysis of the data collected, it appears that Pierce County’s top three problems are access to mental health services, high rates of obesity, and access to quality health care. Access to mental health services A community that is mentally healthy is productive, enjoys fulfilling relationships with others in the community and is resilient through life’s challenges. Without it, even the healthiest body can fall into disrepair quickly. It’s no wonder then that mental illness is one of the most common causes of disability. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that as many as one in every 17 people has a seriously debilitating mental illness. The good news is that mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders can be prevented. We know more about how the brain functions than ever before and current research indicates that greatest opportunity to prevent illness is to get people into treatment early and often. (Healthy People 2020, 2015) With Washington State’s dismal rankings in the availability of psychiatric beds and the high patient load of mental health care providers in the County, there is much work to be done. Healthy People 2020 goals state that 87 percent of primary care facilities should provide mental health treatment onsite or by paid referral. This goal represents a 10 percent improvement over the baseline rate of 79 percent in 2006. (Healthy People 2020, 2015) High rates of obesity Pierce County’s high rate of obesity is well above the national average and may be attributed to large number of food deserts, especially in urban areas. People who have healthy weights and access to fresh foods have lower rates of chronic disease and a higher quality of life. Addressing obesity is complex, however, and requires a multi-faceted approach. As with mental health, the most powerful interventions are aimed at prevention. According to Healthy People 2020, more than 10.4 percent of children ages two to five were considered obese in 2008. The 2020 goal is to reduce that number to 9.4 percent. (Healthy People 2020, 2015)One of the most cost effective ways to achieve that goal is to increase the number of children who are breastfed. A history of breastfeeding, especially exclusive breast milk feeding for the first six months, is associated with an estimated 40 percent reduction in childhood obesity. (AHRQ, 2009) Unfortunately, just  14.1 percent of infants born in 2006 achieved this. Healthy People 2020’s target is 25.5 percent. (Healthy People 2020, 2015) Access to quality healthcare Optimal health is not a state achieved without support, education and intervention. Ensuring that Pierce County residents get the help they need when they need it is a big part of preventing chronic disease, improving quality of life, and preventing unnecessary death. Some of the reasons people do not see a health care provider are they can’t find one, they can’t afford it, or they don’t have insurance coverage. The most recent data suggests that as many as 16 percent of County residents do not have health insurance. (Good Guide, 2011) According to Healthy People 2020, the national average is slightly higher at 16.8 percent. The objective is an ambitious one with 100 percent of individuals covered by private insurance or Medicaid/Medicare by 2020. (Healthy People 2020, 2015) According to Washington State’s Department of Public Health, there are approximately 543 providers in Pierce County including doctors, ARNPs, CNMs, and PAs. A little more than half of them report that they are accepting new Medicaid and Medicare patients. (Washington State Department of Public Health, 2011) Interestingly, Healthy People 2020 has yet to define specific goals for increasing the number of practicing providers in all areas. (Healthy People 2020, 2015) Primary Prevention Topic When John Snow, the â€Å"father of epidemiology,† was investigating cholera outbreaks in mid-nineteenth century London, the chief cause of unnecessary death was communicable disease. Today, chronic disease that damages the heart, pancreas, and lungs are more likely to kill than bacteria. A large contributor to hypertension, diabetes, and heart failure is obesity. In a society obsessed with weight loss and thinness, obesity rates in adults and even children are growing. Just as John Snow found the source of the disease that was claiming lives in his community, we must also find the source but it is unlikely to be in a solitary water pump in the middle of the city. Preventing obesity appears to be a life-long task best started at birth. The data demonstrate that increasing breastfeeding rates is a powerful tool in decreasing childhood obesity. Breastfeeding rates for older, educated and more affluent women are already at Healthy People 2020 targets but women who are young, have low levels of education and who are poor are more likely to never breastfeed and are extremely unlikely to continue to do so for six months. (Grummer-Strawn, Scanlon, Darling, Conrey, 2004) An organization in the community that helps low-income women establish and maintain breastfeeding is the Women, Infants, and Children Program. A team of peer counselors who have themselves struggled with issues common to low-income breastfeeding women including pumping in the workplace help new moms navigate a difficult terrain and provide their children with the best start in life. Area hospital-based birth centers are working toward or have already achieved certification as a Baby Friendly Hospital. This designation indicates that the facility employs evidence-based practice that lead to dramatic increases in breastfeeding rates. (DiGirolamo, Grummer-Strawn, Fein, 2008) Given that the problem of obesity is large in Pierce County, the rewards for reducing it great, and the interventions that are most likely to help are known and inexpensive, I am focusing my primary prevention topic on promoting breastfeeding as a means to reduce obesity in Pierce County. Bibliography AHRQ. (2009). Breastfeeding, Maternal Infant Health Outcomes. Retrieved January 22, 2015, from Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: City-Data. (2014). 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